Top Ten Ways to Attract Women: Part II

on Jan 24, 11 • with Comments Off on Top Ten Ways to Attract Women: Part II

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Welcome back, guy who wants to know more about attracting women! So last time, you read about body language, terms of endearment, buddying up to her friends, self control and giving her the gift of you. You even learned a little something about male enhancement products such as Erectzan. For this installment, you’ll add on to your knowledge by mastering another five important things to be successful with women.

5. Playing it smooth

The key is never to come off as desperate. Sure, honesty is the best policy but too much info will also scare her off. It’s important to establish that connection first before revealing your deepest, darkest secrets. Also, remind yourself to never settle for less. Women are impressed by a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid of waiting for the right person.

4. Attention please

Here’s the thing. Girls don’t really like it when you talk too much. And girls hate it even more when you can’t stop talking about yourself. Instead of going on and on about what makes you impressive, why not try to shift your focus and ask her about the stuff that’s happening in her life. Let her tell you about her work, hobbies, friends, and really listen to what she has to say.

3. Planning ahead

Leave the guesswork to amateurs. For matters of the heart, you need to rely more on forethought. Mature men prepare for the unexpected. For example, if you’re planning to make a good impression in bed, why not work out in advance and take some penis enhancement supplements like Erectzan. For sure, she’s going to appreciate your efforts and the fact that you’re such a stud.

2. Keeping it real

Face it, you’re not perfect. Nobody is, which is why it’s better for you to stop hiding your insecurities and just be transparent. Of course, bear in mind that there’s a line between being transparent and going overboard with the information. Just don’t let the hang-ups ruin the mood. Be more accepting of yourself and others (not just women) will respect you more for being real.

1. Personal power source

Does your personal power come from having lots of money? From your buff body? Or from everything you’ve accomplished in life? Unless you realize where your strengths lie, you’re success with women will be hit-or-miss. You don’t want that. You’re better than that. Even with some hang-ups, you should never doubt who you are as a person. This will be your ultimate weapon in attracting women.

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