Spermamax Summary

Last Updated: July 11, 2024

Official Site: N/A

Spermamax does five things according to the website: (1) improve overall sperm production, (2) improve sperm quality, (3) improve sperm integrity, (4) improve sperm motility, and (5) improve sperm morphology. Of course, it should be noted that fertility is just a subset of virility, which also encompasses sexual performance and enjoyment.

The supplement is said to be 100% natural, containing a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals.

Ingredients at a Glance

Had we not known that Spermamax is a male enhancement supplement, we might have mistaken it for a multivitamin-multimineral product. Included in the list of ingredients are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium. Surprisingly, Yohimbe, Epimedium, Maca root, L-Arginine, and Catuaba bark – ingredients that are known to support the functions of the male reproductive system.

As for its penis-enhancing components, Spermamax has Green Tea and Dong Quai. Green Tea is antioxidant that is known to aid in fat loss and prevent certain forms of cancer, while Dong Quai is an herb traditionally used as a calming tonic. Dong Quai is believed to promote blood flow in both men and women.


  • Official website displays testimonials.
  • Manufacturers offer money back guarantee.
  • Formulation is 100 percent herbal.


  • Product does not contain Yohimbe or Epimedium.
  • No published studies available on website.
  • Product targets only one factor of virility (i.e. viability of sperm)

Final Thoughts

We can get behind the idea of Spermamax as a tonic for the male reproductive system but not as a complete male enhancement product. As mentioned before, we are on the lookout for products that have Yohimbe, Epimedium, Tribulus Terrestris, and other herbs that are proven to enhance the length, girth and performance of the penis. Of course, we are not discounting that vitamin-based formulas do a lot holistically speaking for sexual dysfunction. In this regard, Spermamax may be an alternative for men who feel that holistic supplementation is the way to go.

If, however, a customer’s whim is to find a total penis-enhancing product, he’d do well to look for other brands.

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