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Are You 50 Shades of Ready for S&M, Sex Marathon, and Pleasing Miss Steele Tonight

Many curious and hormone-laden youngsters, adult couples, and staunch moviegoers are all agog over the global premier of Fifty Shades of Grey, an erotic romantic drama film based on a bestselling novel. Staring Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, the Sam Taylor-Johnson flick is inviting much buzz and controversy over its sex scenes and supercharged storyline of a sadomasochistic relationship.

But what does 50 Shades of Grey and its phenomenal success remind you of in your sexual adventures?

Student Ms. Steele is smitten by the wealthy, handsome (albeit passive aggressive) business Christian Grey, and what follows is an immediate and electric attraction that leads to intense, protracted sexual encounters. While your flair for sex may not necessarily include as intense and passionate an affair as in 50 Shades of Grey, have you thought about how you can please your own Ms. Steele and keep her asking for more?

You don’t have to be a Christian Grey to give your woman the pleasure she deserves in bed. Here are some tips for steamier bedroom action:

  1. Worship your woman! It’s a pretty big deal for a woman who is made to feel that she is a goddess. Don’t just assure your lady with sweet words; instead, show her that she’s perfection in your eyes every time she moves, dresses up or undresses for bed, or gets naked in your full view. Smell her skin, caress and kiss her. Be generous about running your hands on her skin. Don’t go fawning over her. Simply do your part in making her feel desired and special.
  2. Provide her needs and wants in bed. Do your research and know what she likes in bed and how she wants lovemaking – her own rules and style. Drive her wild with foreplay or the main penetration. Ask for these things directly or find them out for yourself. You may also initiate a little chase by delaying entering her to buy time for an exploration of her thighs, back, and other sensual parts.
  3. Delay your orgasm as long as possible for your partner. If you are like most men who can orgasm quite fast or undesirably, you put more effort into this step. Delay your orgasm until your partner has had orgasm and is already 100% satisfied. Provide extra stimulation for her to orgasm juicily. If you are having erection and ejaculatory control issues, try a natural male enhancement supplement to achieve better, longer-lasting performance.

These are only three of so many ways you can give your woman the best sensations in sex, whether it involves S & M or not. Keep posted for more luscious lovemaking tips and techniques, and the best male enhancement advice you can get your hands on!

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Week of: Thursday July 11, 2024
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