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Home » Uncategorized » How to Improve Your Stamina in Lovemaking

It’s not only erectile dysfunction or low libido that can kill your pleasure in bed. Anyone would want to make the sexual act last as long as possible, but this simply isn’t possible for some men: they achieve orgasm too soon, and this is called premature ejaculation. Before you use medications or similar interventions, seek to try these natural methods for improving your stamina in lovemaking.

  1. Use the stop-start method – Whenever you feel that you are near ejaculation, stop and wait for the feeling to subside. Resume the thrusting, and practice the technique regularly to help you last longer in bed.
  2. Focus on the quality of your lovemaking by spending more time on the joys and pleasures of foreplay and increased intimacy with each other after sex. While the lovemaking is the main sexual expression, it does not have to be what entirely matters.
  3. Have you heard of the squeeze method? Here’s how to do it: squeeze below the head of your penis to delay ejaculation. This way you are forcing the blood from your genitals and are making it possible to delay your orgasm for the time being.
  4. Find ways to distract yourself whenever you are close to your climax. Think about a non-sexual subject, such as sports or home-cooked meals. It can help lengthen the time that you perform and enjoy sex.
  5. Perform a targeted workout to help in your sexual stamina. Kegel exercises, which are named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, help you tighten your PC muscles, which are involved in the ejaculation process. Stop and start your urine in midstream to learn to identify this muscle and practice it regularly.
  6. Pay attention to your partner’s orgasm instead of worrying about your own climax. Focus on getting her there ahead of you. For instance, press your penis into the area of her clitoris, and penetrate only a number of inches into her vagina with quick thrusts to enhance her pleasure and orgasm potential.
  7. Get your woman on top of you, as it is in this position that your penis is less stimulated. This way you can last longer naturally in bed than in the missionary or other common positions in bed.

A high-quality male enhancement supplement also provides benefits for sexual stamina, helping you better fight rapid ejaculation that can ruin the entire moment of heat and ecstasy for you. Ask your doctor prior to supplementing with these herbal extracts, as these may interact with your existing prescription medications, if any.

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