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    Men's Health Institute Blog

    The Men’s Health Institute Blog is only about one thing: helping men to overcome their erection problems and find real time solutions to keep them harder and stronger – for longer…

    We aim to keep you up to date and informed with the latest news, reviews and scientific breakthroughs that are helping millions of men everyday regain their confidence, overcome their erection problems and revitalise their sex drives and relationships. Please check back regularly for new posts.

  • Are You 50 Shades of Ready for S&M, Sex Marathon, and Pleasing Miss Steele Tonight

    on Feb 12, 15 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Many curious and hormone-laden youngsters, adult couples, and staunch moviegoers are all agog over the global premier of Fifty Shades of Grey, an erotic romantic drama film based on a bestselling novel. Staring Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, the Sam Taylor-Johnson flick is inviting much buzz and controversy over its sex scenes and supercharged storyline of a sadomasochistic relationship. But what does 50 Shades of Grey and its phenomenal success remind you of in your sexual adventures? Student Ms. Steele is smitten by the wealthy, handsome (albeit passive aggressive)...

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  • Are You Hypersexual? Learn to Avoid It

    on Sep 17, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    We often promote optimal levels of libido or sexual drive, just as we find it important for you to maintain the health and quality of your erections. But what if you are hypersexual or have excess libido? This is something you should tackle right away whether you are single or have a partner, for it remains a fact your partner’s libido is on a different level from yours. It is challenging and complicating to decrease libido, because there is no single cause for it and no one exact solution to use in different cases. But...

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  • How to Manage Your Stress Hormones

    on Sep 11, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    If you are concerned not just about your sexual health but your overall wellness, read on. Cortisol, a hormone produced by the human body to deal with physical and mental stress, increases in your blood as you feel stressed whether physically, mentally, or emotionally it is not called the “stress hormone” for nothing! What you should be aware of is how high cortisol level affects a number of chemical balances in your system, potentially increasing your disease risk. There are natural ways to lower high cortisol levels in your blood. Here are some of them:...

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  • How to Improve Your Stamina in Lovemaking

    on Jul 1, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    It’s not only erectile dysfunction or low libido that can kill your pleasure in bed. Anyone would want to make the sexual act last as long as possible, but this simply isn’t possible for some men: they achieve orgasm too soon, and this is called premature ejaculation. Before you use medications or similar interventions, seek to try these natural methods for improving your stamina in lovemaking. Use the stop-start method – Whenever you feel that you are near ejaculation, stop and wait for the feeling to subside. Resume the thrusting, and practice the technique regularly...

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  • Can These Herbs Enhance Your Fertility?

    on Jul 1, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    There are men who are hounded by fertility problems, even if the time is ripe for them to father a child. It could be a sperm count or sperm motility issue, both of which may be treated using medical or hormonal options. But of course, there are a number of natural potential treatments available for you to help optimize your fertility, including the use of certain traditionally celebrated herbs for sperm health and improving hormonal balance. Ginseng, one of the most popular herbs for male enhancement, is recommended to be added to your daily diet...

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  • Why Do You Get Male Performance Anxiety?

    on Jul 1, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Have you heard of male performance anxiety? This is where you are being anxious about your actions and how you’re faring in lovemaking, and it can mess with the act real bad. In this case, you worry about not sexually interacting enough with or satisfying your partner, and this gets in the way of your erections, your stamina, and your overall potency. The good news is that you can rid yourself of male performance anxiety with a change in thinking – here is further information. It is unknown how prevalent male performance anxiety is, but...

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  • Sexual Potency Enhancement Tips for Men

    on Jul 1, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Whether you are a young man in your sexual peak or someone close to his senior years, there are factors that can make you a victim of male impotence, which is also known as erectile dysfunction. The numbers are growing, as the inability to start or maintain an erection can occur due to a wealth of medical, hormonal, psychological, and environmental reasons. Of course, erectile dysfunction drugs will likely be the first to be recommended. But erection drugs like Viagra and Cialis have a fairly good effectiveness rate, they can come with unwanted and widely...

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  • Choose the Best Male Enhancement Pills for the Diabetics

    on Jul 1, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Right now, there are already plenty of men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction. In case you do not know, ED takes place when a man starts to fail to achieve or sustain an erection. There are actually numerous reasons why this kind of disability takes place. It can be due to old age as well as many other factors. However, it is said that diabetes is actually among the most popular reasons behind the condition. In fact, there are around 38% of the male diabetics who suffer from ED as the direct result of the...

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  • Take Your Male Sexual Performance to a Higher Level

    on May 26, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Men, for the longest time, have always been stereotyped to be sex machines which are ready to give their performance at the mere drop of a hot. Even though this can be a bit true in the cause of some men, for most, it is not. Just like the ladies, men can become too tired as well, stressed or at times, not in the right mood for sex. This kind of factors can also trigger some sexual issues. Since this topic is a bit sensitive, majority of men shun away from discussing about sexual dysfunction...

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  • Male Enhancement Pills and Their Healthy Alternatives

    on May 21, 14 • in Uncategorized • with No Comments

    Every single man on this planet is searching for a truly effective way for improving their sexual lives. Without a doubt, exercising will surely help a lot when it comes to increasing your endurance in performing activities that might be physically demanding, including sex. Eating all the proper kind of foods can truly keep your entire body in its healthy condition in order for you not to succumb to any sign of weakness too easily when you will be engaged in having a sexual intercourse with your lady partner. Getting rid of your vices, such...

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