The Male Enhancement User’s Guide to Aphrodisiacs

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Getting your woman in the mood for a hot, romantic night is half the battle won. Like any efficient male enhancement plan, you pull all the stops in creating the perfect atmosphere to make your wife/girlfriend feel that she is beautiful, loved and wanted.

It may seem like rocket science to some men. But sometimes, all it takes is a good old’ aphrodisiac-laced meal. Coupled with male enhancement products like all-natural male enhancement supplements, aphrodisiac foods can easily get things moving for you and your babe.

Without further ado, here are six popular, accessible aphrodisiacs that can help boost sex drive by influencing hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy:

Asparagus. Now here’s one evocative piece of vegetable. The asparagus’ phallic appearance only accentuates its legendary properties as an aphrodisiac. It is an excellent source of folate and vitamin B6 and folate, two nutrients which can increase arousal and make orgasms more pleasurable. Asparagus is also rich in vitamin E, which stimulates sex hormones in both men and women.  And hey, it’s a great appetizer too!

Avocados.  The Aztec word for avocado was ahuacatl, which means “testicle tree.” The Spanish explorers couldn’t pronounce this word properly so they named the fruit “avocado” instead. Avocados are loaded with minerals, monounsaturated fats, and vitamin B6, which help boost your sexual stamina. It’s not unlike the effect you get from male enhancement products like male enhancement supplements. Avocados are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to a sound mind. Think of that the next time you dip into a bowl of guacamole.

Chili Peppers. Chili peppers not only make for a hot meal, but also for a hot evening. It contains capsaicin, a chemical that can stimulate the release of endorphins—the feel-good chemical—in the brain. Among its benefits is a feeling of euphoria, which helps enhance foreplay.

Dark Chocolate. The next time that your woman asks you to buy here chocolates, don’t hesitate to drive by the grocery store. Chocolate contains tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin, another natural feel-good chemical that may play a role in sexual arousal. Like a good male enhancement plan, chocolates can get her in that “bedtime” mood with stimulants such as phenylethylamine.

Licorice. Licorice has effects similar to that of estrogen and progesterone, hormones that support normal reproductive and sexual function as well as response. However, when you do give your partner licorice, try not to be a cheapskate. Track down good candy varieties out there that contain real licorice-root extract.

Oysters.  Another legendary aphrodisiac, oysters could very well be nature’s equivalent of a potent male enhancement pill. It’s not just the slippery feel or the unique flavor of oysters that make them a sexy super food. It’s the mineral zinc, which helps produce testosterone, a hormone critical in regulating both men’s and women’s sexual capacity. Experts said that zinc can raise sexual potency, increase sperm count and improve their swimming ability.

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