Snoring and Erectile Dysfunction

on Jan 13, 11 • with Comments Off on Snoring and Erectile Dysfunction

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Snoring is the act of producing sounds when your airways are blocked as you sleep. While it often does not cause any health concerns, snoring can be more than just a bedtime annoyance.

Each time you snore, you lengthen your soft palate, which can block your airways. A significant percentage of those who snore loudly at night (loud enough to be heard outside the room) also stop breathing during periods that last as long as 15 seconds. This condition is known as obstructive sleep apnea.

Snoring also increases your risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Many snorers with sleep apnea do not get enough oxygen. Whenever your oxygen levels drop off at night – which can happen when you snore – an alarm is triggered throughout your body.

Your body reacts by increasing your blood pressure, which results in hypertension – one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction.

Because your oxygen intake decreases with every snore, this indicates an indirect but powerful connection between snoring and your risk of developing ED. Lack of oxygen-rich blood hinders your ability to achieve an erection.

A Journal of Urology found that half of those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea did not experience morning erections. Similarly, an American College of Maxillofacial Surgeons study also showed that half of snorers with obstructive sleep apnea experienced erectile dysfunction.

Studies on ED drugs show more proof of the connection between oxygen intake and the inability to have a boner. According to the American Heart Association, between 60 to 70 percent of heart failure outpatients suffer from erectile dysfunction. Drugs which improved erectile dysfunction in these patients also increased their ability to take in oxygen.

It’s clear that your ability to take in oxygen affects the quality of your erections, and anything which decreases your oxygen intake also hinders your ability to sustain an erection.

The bottom line: erections are like any other body function. This means that the state of your overall healthy and the quality of your erections are inextricably linked.

You can protect your erectile function by eating right and exercising regularly to avoid high blood pressure and obesity. Quit smoking to ensure that you have a good supply of oxygen at night.

Along with leading a healthy lifestyle, taking a quality natural male enhancement supplement will help ensure that you can raise the flag when you need to. Look for a male enhancement supplement that helps increase the flow of blood to your penis.

ED drugs may help you achieve an erection but they won’t work in the absence of desire. Male enhancement supplements usually contain powerful aphrodisiacs that help boost your libido.

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