Simple Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction or sexual impotence is one of the common problems encountered by many men, a case that tends to increase as a person ages. That is the reason why before your sexual prowess starts to wane, it is best for you to know that to be impotent does not necessarily mean that you have to bear with the problem for the rest of your life. There are now numerous natural remedies for erectile dysfunction that come in handy in order to assist men in achieving a better sexual potency. A few of these home remedies can be of help, although these might happen to be ineffective in the case of other users. In the case of less advanced ED cases, it is best to experiment with several home remedies in order to yield the best results.

Here are a few of the usually recommended home remedies that are said to help in potentially curing sexual impotence among men.


Carrots are being regarded as valuable when it comes to the potential treatment of impotence. You have to prepare carrots of 150 gm, finely chopped, then mix it with one tablespoon of honey and half boiled egg. This mixture should be taken once every within a month or two. Men who commonly experience sexual disorders and are tense most of the time will be able to find the much needed relief because this particular remedy can increase the sexual stamina.


Garlic is among those common home vegetables that happen to be beneficial even in potentially curing sexual impotence. According to experts, garlic is usually called the poor man’s penicillin since this can act as an effective immune booster and antiseptic. Garlic is also essential for those who tend to overindulge themselves in sex as this can help them from experiencing nervous exhaustion. Here, you will only need to chew 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves every day as this can help potentially treat sexual impotence. Apart from that, eating some garlic bread prepared together with whole grains will help in producing healthy sperms.


Onion is being regarded as a truly efficient aphrodisiac and is even among the finest libido enhancers, although its properties are still not known generally. The only thing you have to do is take one piece of white onion. Peel this off, crush then fry in butter. You can take the mixture every day together with one spoon of honey yet see to it that you will be consuming it only when your stomach is totally empty for a minimum of two hours. This particular remedy can help in potentially curing impotence, premature ejaculation, and involuntary semen loss during sleep or any other time of day, called spermatorrhea.

These are just some of the common natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. There are still many others that you can try and the only thing that you have to do is choose the one that you are most comfortable with. Through these remedies, you will be able to enjoy a better sexual life without the need to worry of any sexual issues.

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