Zinc for Male Fertility

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ZincAs early as 1960s, it has already been discovered that zinc is something that is highly important for human health. This ranks right behind iron when it comes to the trace elements which can be found inside the body of a person. This is being distributed all over the body wherein its highest concentrations can be found in the hair, nails, skin, eye, prostate, spermatozoa, muscles, bone, kidney, pancreas, and liver.

Zinc plays a role in the metabolic reactions in order to degrade or synthesize proteins, fats, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Zinc also supports the proteins that function in most of the metabolic processes which include stabilizing the cell membranes as well as supporting the growth, development, and function of the immune system.

Functions of Zinc

In order for you to be in your best health, zinc is needed. Zinc can help your immune system and help your body to develop and grow appropriately and to potential cure wounds. This is also needed for senses of smell and taste. Zinc can help make DNA and proteins. DNA is your body cells’ genetic material. Being a cofactor needed by over 100 enzymes, this mineral can help in the making of hemoglobin and DNA, metabolizing of fatty acid, releasing stored vitamin A, metabolizing carbohydrates and synthesizing protein. This can also help in disposing the free radicals inside your system.

Zinc for Fertility

The production of sperm is highly sensitive to a man’s exposure to the different nutritional as well as lifestyle and environmental factors. Zinc is very vital for the potential of male reproduction. A man’s semen contains high concentration of zinc. In the seminal fluid, zinc acts as the protector of the sperm from chromosomal and bacterial damage.

Intake of zinc that is lesser than 5mg each day has been associated with decrease the volume of semen and levels of testosterone. Deficiency in zinc can produce some sexual symptoms like poor development of reproductive system or impotency, infertility and so, zinc supplementation is a big must. Infertility that is caused by zinc deficiency can be easily reversed over time by taking 10mg of zinc every day.

Food Sources of Zinc

Male enhancement reviews will always recommend men to eat foods rich in zinc. You will be able to get the suggested zinc amounts from numerous foods. Fish, poultry, meat, milk as well as milk products can give you 80% of the dietary zinc, but if you are after the best source of zinc, you can go for oysters. You can also choose some other shellfish, cheese, liver, fortified breakfast cereals, whole grains, soy products, dry beans as well as nuts, which are also great zinc sources. In general, intake of zinc is correlated with intake of protein.

Zinc Deficiency

Deficiency in zinc rarely happens in United States. In the case of children and infants, zinc deficiency results to a slowed growth. In the case of adolescents, deficiency in zinc can cause late sexual development. As for men, this deficiency can result to impotence.

Inadequate amount of zinc can also cause diarrhea, appetite loss, skin sores, and hair loss. This can also cause reduced ability of healing wounds and appetite loss because there is a reduction in sense of taste. Cadmium, copper, and phytate can lessen zinc absorption. High calcium and iron intakes can also lessen absorption of zinc.

If you want to know more about the benefits of zinc, read more male enhancement reviews to get the information that you need.

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