How to Prepare Yohimbe for Natural Male Enhancement

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Yohimbe TreeMove over, Viagra! Yohimbe, a native Western African tree from the evergreen family, is ready to save the day as a natural male enhancement option. It is a powerful natural herb that can remedy erectile dysfunction and act as an aphrodisiac.

The bark of the Yohimbe tree is used as a stimulant before sexual intercourse. It is sold in different forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquid drinks. It has been found effective for over 100 years now, way before medications like Viagra have been patronized by many.

The good news is that you can prepare the dried bark of the Yohimbe into a male enhancement tea! Here’s a simple way to do so.

You’ll need the following:

  • Water
  • 6 tsp. shaved yohimbe bark OR 2 tsp. powdered yohimbe bark
  • 1,000 mg vitamin C
  • Tea ball
  • Honey

If you’re using dried bark, here’s how to do it. Boil one pint of water at medium heat in your saucepan. Add six tablespoons of shaved Yohimbe bark; use only two tablespoons if you’re using it in powdered form. Boil it for five minutes.

Remove the remaining particles by pouring the mixture through a fine sieved tea ball. Take vitamin C – preferably 1,000 mg – to enhance the beneficial effect of Yohimbe and to prevent nausea.

Your tea mixture is ready; just add honey to sweeten it. Drink only up to two cups a day.

The tea is starting to work once you begin to feel a little anxiety. Stop drinking, relax, and wait for that first wave of euphoria to kick in. That’s the sign that the tea will indeed be useful to get you in the mood for sex.

However, you must remember that Yohimbe is NOT recommended for those with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, ulcer, and liver or kidney disease. It will also interact with antidepressants, tranquilizers, or medications for blood pressure.

It shouldn’t also be taken with alcohol and opiates!

If you want to reap the benefits of Yohimbe quickly and much easier than preparing the drink, you may opt for natural male enhancement supplements. These pills are a mix of herbal and mineral ingredients that can increase your penile size, give you heightened control over your orgasms, and improve your sexual drive and stamina.

If you have a health condition, it is best to consult a qualified health practitioner before undergoing any male enhancement regimen like drinking Yohimbe tea or taking pills.

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