Astragalus as an Effective Natural Male Enhancer

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AstragalusInfertility can be defined as a couple’s inability of conceiving even after twelve months or a year of having an unprotected intercourse. It currently affects numerous individuals all over the world and most of them are now searching for the best remedies that can help them in combating this particular issue. One of the herbs that have been discovered to successfully help in solving infertility issues among couples, especially men, is none other than astragalus. Discover why this is regarded as a good male enhancer ingredient.

What is Astragalus?

Astragalus is a tiny shrub belonging to Fabaceae, a legume family, and can be found abundantly in Northern Hemisphere. This has been utilized in the traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating vital energy.

Benefits of Astragalus

Astragalus root works as a great “adaptogen” or tonic. This has been revealed of having the ability to:

  • Enhance the immune function by stimulating macrophages and monocytes, the activity of T-cell, as well as production of interferon. This can also increase the counts of white blood cells in the case of chronic leukopaenia.
  • Increase stamina, endurance and infection resistance.
  • Exhibit free radical and antioxidant scavenging activity.
  • Restore the immune activity in instances of a compromised status that is linked with cancer radiation or chemotherapy treatment, speeding recovery as well extending the expectancy of life.
  • Enhance the function of the heart, lower the blood pressure, and protect the heart muscle from any oxidant damage
  • Increase male fertility and sperm motility
  • Protect liver from damages
  • Increase diuresis

Astragalus is also commonly used for different conditions like:

  • Healing – chronic fatigue syndrome, wound healing, stomach ulcers, post-viral syndrome
  • Infections – flu and cold, persistent or recurrent infections, recurrent infections of the respiratory system, viral infections, chronic hepatitis, glandular fever
  • Poor stamina and fatigue – breath shortage, anaemia, night sweats, multiple allergies
  • Stress support – stress-related fatigue, athletic performance, immuno-suppression
  • Angina, heart disease, high blood pressure
  • Cancer – lack of appetite or fatigue in patients of chemotherapy, to lessen side effects as well as improve chemotherapy and radio outcome

Effects of Astragalus on Fertility

  • Immune system – It was showed in studies that astragalus can help in improving the immunostimulant effects which then results to the reduction of risks of inflammation and infection caused by virus and bacterial invasion that cause the immune system to attack body tissues, which include the sperm.
  • Adaptogenic effects – Also, it has been confirmed that it is a great adaptogenic herb which can increase the body when it comes to adapting to environmental changes which include toxic chemicals, which then results to reduction of nervous tension risks that lead to physical and emotional anxiety and stress.
  • Diuretic effects – Astragalus can also help in maintaining the correct fluid levels in the body through secreting additional fluid by way of urinary secretion in order to reduce water retention symptoms and improve the yin and yang of the kidney that can enhance chances of fertility.
  • Qi-balancing – There are claims that astragalus can help in re-balancing the body’s qi, thus lessening chances of stagnation of qi in reproductive organs that cause men’s low sperm count.
  • Cell regulating – Astragalus can also help in regulating the body’s growth of normal cells and at the same time, this also enhances the white blood cells’ capacity of particle ingestion that can lead to improved response when potentially treating patients of cancer, as based on a certain study conducted by researchers in Houston during 1980s.

If you are after a natural male enhancer, astragalus is something worthy to try.

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